Saturday, December 18, 2010
I'm So Broken...Lord, Where's My Hello-Kitty Band-Aids???
I'm studying the book of Ruth right now with my friend Danielle. If you know Ruth's story, then you know that she entered a land completely foreign, even when she was given multiple chances to turn back. She knew God wanted her to go with Naomi to Bethlehem. It's hard for me to know what I would have done if I would have been in Ruth's shoes. If God said, "Hey Caroline, I want you to go live in Algeria, (the first country I saw when I googled a map of Africa) where you don't know anyone, the language, or the ways of the society. I just want you to go and serve me. I will provide everything that you need. Just trust me and go." Would I go? I mean if God has just said go to China, there would have been no question...but Algeria. More than likely I would have said no. I would have rejected a chance for God to use me, a chance for me to be His hands and feet. Is that convicting or what???
It makes me wonder how many times I've said no to God for the little things. "Hey Caroline go sit with him. Hey Caroline, you love me right, then go to this." I know I've done. I want to be in a place where I can just say, "YES LORD." I want that so bad. I crave that. I want my Hello-Kitty Band-Aid, a chocolate-chip cookie, Survivor re-runs and for my life to just be perfect. Well...I'm far, far, ohhh so far from perfect.
I'm confused and upset with myself when I have struggles, or doubts. I know and trust though that struggles with God aren't a lack of faith, but they ARE faith. Anytime you struggle in a relationship, you always grow stronger, and wiser. I'm working on my relationship, and He's always holding a box of Hello-Kitty Band-Aids, even if I can't always see them. He's chiseling away my pride and selfishness, mending my beautiful, broken mess, and molding me into the Caroline He's long planned for me to be!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Praying for His Guidance
Anyways, my blog is becoming my journal. God speaks to me in some way, shape, or form everyday and it's time I start praising Him for His awesome deeds.
Friday, June 25, 2010
The Good Samaritan!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
I'm Cinderella and My Daddy's the King of THE World
It's God's Money
Your Donations Can Change an Orphan’s World, help Flood Victims, sponsor mission trips, and go towards an HPLS patient!
Where Are Your Donations Going:
-Lindsey’s Mission Trip to Missouri and Caroline’s Mission Trip to China
-Nashville Flood Victims
Philippians 2:4- Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Ayden was born about 3 weeks ago and is currently in recovery in the PCCU. .He was born with HPLS (hypoplastic left heart syndrome). In layman's terms, the left side of his heart is grossly underdeveloped, which leaves the right side to do all of the work. He has gone through his first surgery and will continue to deal with this problem and have various surgeries throughout his life. His mom, Allison was both of our 7th grade Literature teachers. A portion of our donations while go towards helping
the Mills Family!
Flood Moments
Sunday, May 2, 2010
You NEVER Let Go!!!

"Oh no YOU never let go, through the calm and through the storm! Oh no YOU never let go in every high and every low! Oh no YOU never let go! Lord, YOU never let go of me!" WOW!!! What a thing to praise the Lord for! Knowing that he goes with me everywhere (Joshua 1:9) gives me so much comfort. These past couple days have been rainey!!! Never before have I seen Brentwood, TN FLOOD! It's even made national news. The national guard are here and Brentwood and Franklin have been declared to be in a state of emergency. I keep thinking to myself..hey Lord are you sure you don't want be to build an ark? He keeps assuring me that he holds the whole world in His hands and he's got it under control. What a pleasant reminder of the one whose truly in control...OUR CREATOR. The YMCA is completely flooded. Jake and Diane (Paul and Erin's friends) got their car flooded at River Park off Concord Road. The Lees have 10 in. in there backyard. The Bechtels have a flooded basement. The Heyens' and Wallaces' yards are under water. The basement of the Fine Arts building at my school looks like an indoor swimming pool. Our "creek" that is never full of water is overflowing. It showed on the news today that a lady had to have the doctors come to her house to deliver her baby because she was trapped inside. Call Call on Jesus! The Tellers have been my rainbow and sunshine these past couple days. Their precious children light up my life! Tonight Erin was driving me home and said, "Caroline, maybe just maybe the Creator trying to tell us something. A little sprinkle just isn't enough for this world anymore. Maybe it's about time we all WAKE UP! People get so consumed by their material possessions and maybe now without some of them, they will be able to truly fix their eyes back to Christ." Erin was soooooo beyond RIGHT! We have to wake up and turn our eyes back to Christ. We have to realize that no matter how hard the rain falls, or how much the river overflows...that HE NEVER LETS GO!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
"You are on the Path of My Choosing" -Jesus Calling
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
"I'm up for whatever YOU have in mind"
*If you like NOOMA videos, I came across these and both I have been able to relate to my life on so many levels
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Love God by Loving People
Sunday, April 11, 2010
God IS God!
Just a couple weeks ago, I got into the car after school. Let's see it was Wednesday, the 31st of March. I was super excited to go to church because it had been a while since I had been there because of Spring Break traveling. I was most excited to sit and talk with my youth pastor Paul and catch up on all that God has been doing in my life in the past month. He had made some things very clear to me that I couldn't wait to share with Paul. When I go to church on Wednesday nights, I get picked up from school around 4 and go straight there even though church doesn't start until 5. I normally talk to Paul and his assistant Heather and then help set up for the night. My mom asked my what I was going to do getting there so early and I said, "Hang out with Paul mom, that's what I always do." I remember my mom saying, "Caroline he's probably not there. Something's happened and maybe it be better if you just went home tonight." I got really mad because my mom wouldn't tell me what was going on. "I will tell you later Caroline," she said. "Why can't you just tell me now." "Because I don't even know," she replied. "He's not dead is he?" "No," she said back. The assurance that Paul was still alive made be feel much better. Paul had been my youth pastor throughout Middle School, and even though I was in high school, he still remained a huge part of my life. He had impacted my life MORE than anyone I had ever known. I became a Christian in 3rd grade, but I was young. I was never really able to grasp what I supposed to do now that I was a Christian, until I had Paul as my teacher. He taught me that being a Christian wasn't just a one-way ticket to heaven that you now had in the back of your pocket. It was much more than that. Now that you had that ticket, you could not just revert back to your old ways, because God has great big plans for your life that you won't be able to see if your eyes aren't fixed on him. Hebrews 12:1-2 says, "Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." With my eyes fixed on Christ, I was able to understand and see so much more. Paul taught me that to truly love God, you had to love him by loving people.
Throughout my 8th grade year, our so called "motto" was Dirty Hands. It meant get your hands dirty for Christ, in wherever he called you to serve. That year for me it was in Union Springs, AL; a mission trip for only the 8th graders. We would go and serve some of the least of these and be the hands and feet of our Savior. Matthew 25:40- "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'' I was with 4 and 5 year old children in the VBS we did there. Oh, how they changed my life. They were some of the most precious children, that I have ever met. When Jesus tells us that whatever we do for the least, we also do for him, I think that when I was with those children was when I was best able see his face. I feel that I really saw Jesus through this kid named Jaderious. Jaderious was an African-American little boy, and Union Springs was very much still segregated. Therefore Jaderious was the outcast. I didn't notice him till much later during the week. I had kids constantly on top of me. Later one day, I felt a tap on my shoulder (I was giving a piggy-back ride to a girl named Caroline). It was Jaderious. He said, "Can I have a turn." I had never seen him and thought it was precious that he came up to me. "Sure," I said. Little Caroline on my back got very angry and told me to tell Jaderious to go away because we weren't supposed to play with people like him. It broke my heart to have 4 year old girl tell me that. It was then that I formed a special relationship with Jaderious, because when I told him to hop on, I saw a smile in his face that I had never before seen in a child. It reminded me of Christ's love for us. That so many times people reject him, but when you accept him, or tell him to "hop on" into your life, he smiles. That week was a life changing week for me and a great way to end my time in the Middle School Ministry. It was so cool to be on that trip with Paul, because just like me he has a huge love for God's children.
Later, on the night of August 31st my mom came home and came up to my room to finally tell me WHAT IN THE WORLD was going on. Paul had been dismissed. Whatever that meant, I was not sure, but all I knew is that Paul was no longer at Clearview (my church). I didn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. No, it wasn't possible. No one can get rid of Paul. Paul has changed the lives of more people at Clearview than anyone. What? No! I remember having all of this go through my head and once my mom left I burst in to tears. The verse Acts 8:31 came to my mind. It says, "How can I learn, without someone to guide me?" Paul had taught me everything and now he was gone, not from my life, just from my church. For me church is such a place of growth. You grow so much in your relationship with Christ and through Paul's teaching I was able to grow. What was going to happen now? I just started to pray. I prayed for acceptance, understanding, and for Paul, Erin, and their 2 kids. I couldn't even imagine what Paul was going through, if I was bawling my eyes out. Normally, when I go through hard circumstances I expierence 3 stages: a mad stage, a sad stage, and an acceptance stage. I should probably add a 4th one because right now, I am still so shocked. But God is God, and I have to continue to realize that God does all that he does for very specific reasons; reasons that constantly confuse me, but that he always clears up. I am still very close to Paul, Erin, Aubrey, and Brody and always will be, and I love them so very much.